American White Oak

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Durability: Durable
Colour: Medium
Sizes available: 25, 40, 50 mm

Trade Name: American White Oak
Botanical Species: Quercus spp.
Other Names:  Chestnut Oak
Country of Origin: U.S.A.
Air Dry Density: 735kgs/m³
Durability:  Durable
Strength:  SD5
Seasoning: The timber seasons fairly slowly with a tendency to check and split.


American White Oak resembles European Oak, being a mixture of species. However it is more variable in colour, pale yellowish-brown to mid-brown. It varies also in quality according to the locality; thus Oak from Canada and the Northern USA is generally harder and heavier than that from the Southern States.
The characteristic silver grain figure, due to the broad rays, is shown to advantage on quarter cut material.
The grain is generally straight and the texture varies from coarse to medium coarse.
Working Qualities: 
Considering its density, the timber can be worked fairly readily, taking a smooth finish.
The timber can be glued, stained and polished and takes nails and screws well.
In common with other species of Oak, White Oak corrodes metals, particularly iron, steel and lead.
Blue-black discolourations from the tannic acid in the wood are liable to develop when it is in contact with iron or iron compounds under damp conditions and PVA glues.
Use of non-ferrous metals for fastening and fittings is recommended.
Because of its good all-round strength and resistance to decay, White Oak is used for a wide range of constructional work, including ship and boat building.
It is traditional for high-grade furniture, interior woodwork and flooring.
Because of its impermeability, the timber is suitable for vats and casks for holding liquids such as wine and spirits.
Product Attributes:
Pale cream to yellowish brown sometimes with a pink tinge.
Distinctive grain feature.
Takes stain and polish well.
Grain is generally straight with a medium to coarse texture.
Machines and turns well.
Product Limitations:
Random widths.
Can corrode iron, steels and lead.
American grading rules apply.