European French Oak

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Durability: Durable
Colour: Medium
Sizes available: 27, 40, 54, 80 mm

Trade Name: English Oak, French Oak, Polish Oak etc. according to country of origin.
Botanical Species: Quercus robur, Quercus petraea
Other Names:  Rovere, Quercia (Italy),
Chêne (France),
Eiche (Germany),
Eik (Netherlands)
Country of Origin: Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland.
Air Dry Density: 720kgs/m³
Durability:  Durable
Strength:  SD4
  • It dries very slowly with a tendency to split and check
  • Medium movement in service
  • The heartwood is light tan to biscuit coloured, usually straight grained but irregular or cross-grained material can occur depending on growth conditions
  • Characteristic silver grain figure on quartered surfaces due to broad rays
Working Qualities:
  • There is moderate to severe blunting effect on cutters, which should be kept sharp
  • Quartered stock requires a 20° planning and moulding angle
  • The wood takes waxing, liming, fuming and polishing treatments well
  • The preponderance of tyloses in the pores of “White Oaks” resists passage of liquids and renders the wood ideal for tight cooperage for cognac, wine and beers
  • For furniture and cabinetmaking
  • English Oak is best for boatbuilding, dock and harbour work, sea defences, railway wagons, ladder rungs, sills thresholds, and for all purposes of exposure in contact with the ground
  • High-class joinery, coffins, ecclesiastical work such as pews, rood screens, pulpits and carving
  • Flooring, vehicle body bearers and floors in trucks
Product Attributes: Veneers available